14,000 words and growing

I think my most reliable mantra in the process of (re)writing this book has been "Most people quit." And that's not disparagement toward anyone who's ever dropped a project, it's a reminder that I'm making above average contributions to my own success by continuing to do the work at all.
Most people quit before they even get truly good at something because the pain of rejection and failing to meet their own expectations is very real and very unpleasant. If you're doing anything artistic, please be comforted that uncountable people self-select out of your field every day and if you're not doing that you're at least keeping your head above water craft-wise.
If I seem a little more wweewahh than usual, it's because I wrote about 5,000 words total yesterday, 4,000 of which contributed in some way to The Book. My brain does this thing where it empties out and must be refilled. Today has been exclusively for very long walks and absorbing information and eating snacks.
Anyway, I'd say it's about 1/4 done plot progression wise. Word count wise, maybe 1/5 or even 1/6. As the action ramps up it will come together more quickly, I'm hoping. Gotta keep it schmoovin.