I tire of structure and artifice.

I guess I have to write something in order to make this work, so~ here we go.
If I had to be both honest and succinct, I would describe the emotional impetus for creating this blog - in this way, at this time, in this format - I would use words like 'fatigue,' and 'ambivalence.' You get it without my going too deeply into detail, I think, because this feeling I've carried around for several years has dispersed into the wider population and it's no longer weird or some kind of moralistic flex to express feelings about the current state of the ad-supported internet that range from frustration to unvarnished disgust. There are subcultural youth communities centered loosely around things like DIY web development and making oneself not infrequently unreachable. That, to me, says just as much if not more than all the digital detox self-help literature fired from all angles at Millennials and Gen X. If disillusionment with The Rot is reaching across the generational divide, I don't need to explain to you that I don't enjoy playing in corporate spaces on the internet.
As for what this, like, is? A blog, sure, but one I want to uncouple from the expectations - polish, multitudinous drafts, structure, a kind of sanded-down quasi-journalistic or academic air - and treat as a blog in the orignal sense of the word. It is a web log, an online diary, a chronological stream of consciousness anchored to my experiences and thoughts. That's all. Sometimes there's photos.
Current Mood: